Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A well-told story

We all have heard and read stories. It is one of the first things many parents do with their kids.

Part 1: Why?
-Stories are important for ones childhood because they are easy for kids to understand. Children's stories also have easy to understand points that might be helpful. People read stories to their children and use it as a way to teach them how to read. Kids gain somewhat of an education when ever they get a book read to them or they read a book themselves. I guess it depends on who read to them, obviously if their parents read to them they are going to like it. And it also depends on if they like the stories. One good thing about different stories is that kids are able to see how others view things.

Part 2: Why? Later in life...
-Older people might read stories because they like to others might read for school requirements. Sometimes they might take a story as advise from someone. I guess that as an older reader i would say you just enjoy reading and try to understand the creativity that the author has given each individual character.

Part 3: Why? In our nation
why are stories so important to our nation? The New York Times best seller lists are one of the most powerful media tools in the world. People flock to by the books listed there. How do stories fit into the fabric of our national identity? How do stories people write create a forum for the discussion of concerns and issues in our nation? What do stories allow people (the writer and the reader) to do?

Part 3: Your stories
-During my childhood a remember having a lot of good books specially books about Clifford. I remember having tons of books from that big red dog. I don't remember exactly what they were about but I know that they always had a lesson to them. I believe those books stood out the most because of the characters. Also because there was a lot of them. There wasn't only one book that i read over and over, I would have hatted ti if that would have been the case. I would think that i would be more like the big red dog, Clifford that was always making horrible mistakes. But he was always forgiven.

Part 4: Characteristics of a well-told story
7-10 characteristics that stories should have
A story should have well developed characters. Characters that quickly characterized, for example a villain should easily be noticed or a hero should easily be characterised as a hero.
Characters should be very detailed, this may make the story more easy to comprehend.
Scenes should also be very detailed and well described.
The rising action leading to the plot of the story, should be long and attention graving.
The beginning should also have an attention graver. Maybe very well detailed.
The entire book should be some what of a lesson to children. For example, making it very clear that a hero is a hero, for helping others or doing things right. etc.
The ending should be conclude the whole book and conclude the lesson given.

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